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The Law Offices of Joyce E. Scott
Attorney Scott specializes in multiple areas of practice. Click to learn more.
The US government has programs in place to help those unable to work because of a disability. Attorney Scott will help you complete all necessary paperwork and contact all medical providers to obtain all relevant medical records.
Types of Social Security Benefits:
Social Security Disability - If you have paid Social Security taxes and are disabled, you may be eligible for disability and medical benefits.
Supplemental Security Income - These benefits are available to those without income or support. Benefits may begin the month after you file.
Widow/Widowers Disability Benefits - These benefits are available to the spouse of a deceased person who paid in to the Social Security system. The widow or widower is eligible to receive a percentage of his or her spouse's benefits. You must be between the ages of 50 and 59 to qualify for these benefits.
Adult Disabled Child - Older children who became disabled before the age of 22 may be entitled to a percentage of their parents' Social Security benefits.
Blindness - Legally blind individuals may be eligible for benefits through the Social Security system.
Call or email for a FREE consultation. You will only pay a fee if Attorney Scott wins your case.