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Attorney Scott specializes in multiple areas of practice. Click to learn more.


When someone is killed by the wrongful conduct or negligence of another, it is called "wrongful death." These are the most tragic cases.


Joyce E. Scott understands your suffering and grief and wants to help you through the legal aspects of life's greatest loss.


When someone dies as a result of negligence, the law provides that next of kin and the estate may act as plaintiffs to bring a civil action to recover damages. This is true even if the deceased was partially at fault in the events leading to the fatality.


People who are considered next of kin include family members such as a husband, wife, domestic partner, children, parents or siblings, in order of priority to a claim. If a parent dies, the surviving spouse/partner and children may all be plaintiffs, as well as anyone else who was likely to receive support if the decedent had lived. A wrongful death plaintiff may recover:


  • Funeral and burial expenses

  • Loss of income from the decedent

  • Medical expenses prior to death

  • Loss of household support

  • Loss of child-rearing support

  • Loss of medical and retirement benefits

  • Other economic losses sustained by the accidental death of a loved one

  • Noneconomic damages such as mental anguish and suffering


A surviving spouse or partner, having lost a life companion, also has a separate right to recover damages for the terrible injury to the couple's relationship. This is called a loss of consortium.


These damages cannot bring a loved one back, but they can help provide for family members as they embark on an uncertain financial and emotional future. 


If a family member, friend, or someone close to you has died, you need first rate representation to maximize the chances of success. Call Attorney Joyce Scott for a FREE consultation today.

You will only pay a fee if Attorney Scott wins your case.


8 Harris Street

Newburyport, MA


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